Signals of the new era with Pezeshkian in Iran

Signals of the new era with Pezeshkian in Iran
Date: 12.7.2024 11:00

The Iranian people made their choice in favor of the leader of Turkish origin...

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It remains a matter of curiosity what Massoud Pezeshkian, who was elected president in the elections held in Iran after the death of Ibrahim Reisi, will do.
Iranian journalist Taha Kermani evaluated the possible changes in Iran's internal affairs and regional politics after the Pezeshkian change to Milli Gazete.
The Iranian people elected Massoud Pezeshkiyan to the new presidency with the elections held after President Ibrahim Reisi lost in an unexpected accident.
While Pezeşkian's working staff is not yet clear, the possible steps Iran will take in the new period are wondered.
Milli Gazete received the thoughts of Iranian journalist Taha Kermani, one of the figures who dominate the Iranian bureaucracy and regional politics, regarding the issue.


Iranian journalist Taha Kermani, in his evaluations about the election process, "The Islamic Republic of Iran is about to end its almost half-century term. The reason I make this preface is that we evaluate the new period by looking at our experiences, not by the election results or Iranian laws on paper. These experiences show us that the system that chooses who the president should be also decides on the steps to be taken in domestic and foreign policies. As you know, there were 6 candidates in the elections. These 6 candidates are candidates who managed to pass through the very narrow and strict filters of the Constitutional Guardian Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran. So, as you can see, the system decides who will be a candidate," he said.


"We need to look at Massoud Pezeshkian's political career, his character and his claim to power. Does he have his eyes on a more advanced position, that is, the position of Revolutionary Leader? Does he or his supporters have such a goal or vision? We have to say that Pezeşkiyan cannot make such a claim because he is not a cleric," Kermani added.


Taha Kermani also touched upon Iran-Türkiye relations.
"There is something more important than governments and leaders in the progress of Iran and Türkiye relations. Governments come and go. It is the Iranian Turks who made Pezeshkiyan president today. The importance, interests and fate of Iranian Turks in Türkiye-Iran relations are carefully followed by the Iranian public. A very significant part of the country's population consists of Turkmens," Kermani said.


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