Governor of Van Mehmet Emin Bilmez made a statement after the second avalanche disaster that occurred during the rescue efforts.
Stating that 33 people who died under snow in the second avalanche, Governor Bilmez said: "Today, a second avalanche incident occurred on our rescue teams. And it is known that the rescue team and many people stuck under the avalanche and that about 30 people have been removed so far, but unfortunately we have lost lives. We have citizens who participate in voluntary rescue work from both the gendarmerie, our security guards and firefighters. We have the dead. Unfortunately, 8 of our gendarmerie officers, 3 of our security guards, 3 of our firefighters and 9 of our civilian citizens have lost their lives. Rest in peace. More than 30 people have been rescued. It was shipped as it was rescued. I hope we will not face a serious problem in their situation. In addition, rescue efforts are continuing."
Meanwhile, it turned out that former AKP Van Deputy Gulsen Orhan was injured in the avalanche disaster. Orhan, who was taken to Çatak State Hospital by ambulance, was transferred to Van Regional Training and Research Hospital after the first intervention there. It is stated that Gülşen Orhan is in good health.