Report: Mossad agents trained in Türkiye

Report: Mossad agents trained in Türkiye
Date: 1.7.2024 10:00

Milli Gazete, which exposed the Zionist occupation in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and exposed CHABAD, the organization behind the occupation, presents its readers with another information that will hit the agenda like a bombshell.

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Milli Gazete, which exposed the Zionist occupation in TRNC and exposed CHABAD, the organization behind the occupation, presents its readers with another information that will hit the agenda like a bombshell.
Haim Azimov, the head of the CHABAD structure in Northern Cyprus, said in a statement in 2014 that most of the children of Jewish families in TTürkiye attend CHABAD schools.
There is no official equivalent of the CHABAD schools mentioned by Azimov.
On the other hand, considering CHABAD's relationship with MOSSAD, as previously disclosed by Milli Gazete, the question "Are MOSSAD agents being trained in Türkiye?" comes the question.
Milli Gazete, which exposed the Zionist occupation in TRNC with its effective publications and exposed the organization called CHABAD behind the Zionist occupation, also reveals the activities of the said organization in Türkiye.
Our newspaper, which announced in its previous news that Mendy Chitrik is the head of CHABAD's Türkiye leg, brings together with its readers another information that will hit the agenda like a bombshell.
In this context, according to the information obtained by Milli Gazete, CHABAD has centers in Türkiye where it provides training in an unofficial status.
This information is expressed personally by CHABAD's TRNC ringleader Haim Azimov.


In the news of Boaz Bismuth from Israel Hayom published on September 1, 2014, the lives of CHABAD members in Türkiye are put under the spotlight.
Making a statement in the news in question, Haim Azimov, who is the number one name of the Zionist occupation in TRNC, notes that they did not encounter any hostility in TRNC.
Azimov also lets slip a very important piece of information in his statement to Boaz Bismuth. Accordingly, Azimov says that most of the children of Jewish families in Türkiye attend CHABAD schools.


While the words of Haim Azimov, the number one name of the CHABAD structure in TRNC, that there are CHABAD schools in Türkiye draw attention, there is no official equivalent of these schools.
On the other hand, Turkish Jewish Community sources reached by Milli Gazete argue that there are no CHABAD schools in Türkiye.
Although Turkish Jewish Community sources reject CHABAD schools, the fact that the source of the information in question is Haim Azimov raises suspicions.


There is another noteworthy information in the news report by Boaz Bismuth from the publication Israel Hayom.
Accordingly, Bismuth states in the news in question that a person named Haim Hasson is responsible for the unofficial education of Jews in Türkiye.


Milli Gazete, which disclosed that TRNC was occupied by Zionist groups, revealed that the organization called Chabad-Lubavitcholan was behind the occupation in TRNC.
A public official working in TRNC made remarkable statements about this organization.
The TRNC public official, whose name we did not disclose due to security concerns, also stated that Chabad's TRNC leader Haim Azimov financed many politicians.
The public official noted that Chabad also supports LGBT, "Chabad commits many crimes. They launder money and leak information to MOSSAD. They decipher all military points. They buy land from near military areas, as in Geçitkale," he said.


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