Imperialist games continue in Middle East...

Imperialist games continue in Middle East...
Date: 3.7.2024 11:00

Israel's Gaza genocide, which has been continuing since October 7, has brought the Greater Middle East Project, which has been forgotten for a while, back to the agenda. The Gaza genocide, which has been going on since October 7, by occupying Israel, the puppet of the imperialist powers in the Middle East, has turned the region into a fireball again.

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Terror gang Israel's Gaza genocide, which has been ongoing since October 7, has brought the Greater Middle East Project, which has been forgotten for a while, back to the agenda.
For this purpose, racist imperialism first invaded Iraq and Libya, and then dragged the region into instability by fueling the civil unrest in Syria.
While the refugee influx threatens the sociocultural, economic and demographic structure of the countries in the region, especially Turkey, racist imperialism is trying to deepen the Great Middle East Project and open the way to "Greater Israel" through this issue.
The Gaza genocide, which has been going on since October 7, by occupying Israel, the puppet of the imperialist powers in the Middle East, has turned the region into a fireball again.
The main aim of Israel, which attacked Syria, Lebanon and Yemen after Palestine, is to spread the war to influential countries in the Middle East.
Similar internal turmoil that was intended to be created in Iran over the "headscarf" months ago is being planned for Turkey these days.
The events that took place in many cities of our country regarding Syrian refugees reveal that imperialist powers are behind the work. In addition, Egypt's massing of a serious military force on the Rafah border last week and its intimidation of Israel's provocations is still on the agenda.
It is estimated that after all these events, a plan was launched for Türkiye, Iran and Egypt.
While it is obvious that a civil unrest in the Middle East will benefit Israel the most, we evaluated the developments in the region with retired Staff Colonel Salih Gamsız.


Retired Staff Colonel Salih Gamsız stated that the internal turmoil experienced by the countries in the Middle East also affects the countries in the region.
"If there is civil unrest in one country, it will benefit other countries as well. Because other countries take advantage of this internal turmoil. For example, a civil unrest in Iran would benefit Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, but not its friends. If there is a civil unrest in Iran, many immigrants will come to us and it will affect us. We have a great example from Syria in front of us in this regard. The civil unrest in Syria directly affected our country. As a result of the situation in Syria, there are now many foreign actors in the process. Some of these foreign actors want Syria to return to its former state, and some do not. Because the confusion in the region and the weakness of Syria will lead to the redrawing of the map of the Middle East," Gamsız said.


Salih Gamsız stated that xenophobia in Turkey could have bad consequences.
"The confusion that is being created in our country through anti-foreign sentiment makes me sad. Some of those coming from Syria are of Arab origin, but the rest are mostly Turkmen and our compatriots. Many of the Syrians in our country are Turkmens, whose villages were occupied from the Golan Heights until 1967 and settled in the surrounding neighborhoods of Damascus. They came to Turkey when the civil unrest broke out, some of them got citizenship, some of them are doing military service and they love our country very much. However, there are also those who come as criminals. There are Armenians who left Turkey during the events of 1915. It is necessary to distinguish this very well," Gamsız added.


Salih Gamsız said that most of the civil unrest and wars in the Middle East are caused by energy.
"There can be no war in the Middle East without Egypt, and there can be no peace without Syria. That's why Egypt and Syria are very important. Iran's influence on the region is also obvious. Turkey also has a protectorate role in the region, inherited from the Ottoman Empire. Turkey's wisdom and power are very important for regional peace and peace in the Middle East. In other words, Türkiye has to develop its peaceful activities, but first of all there is an energy problem in the region. The Eastern Mediterranean has a serious energy potential in the future. The natural gas and oil reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean cannot be extracted because they cannot be divided at the moment. However, when these are removed one day, whoever removes them will make a great contribution to it. Currently, some of the natural gas reserves in the Mediterranean are liquefied and sold in Egypt, and some are transported to Israel via pipelines. However, Turkey must be involved in order to transport the energy reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe," Gamsız said.


"When oil and natural gas runs out in the Middle East, the war will end. However, a very serious game is currently being played in foreign policy and they want to make it seem like it is not about energy resources. If Iran intervenes in the conflict between Israel and HAMAS soon, the issue may move to a different dimension. Additionally, the far right is gaining strength in Europe and anti-immigrant policies are being supported. Europe currently sees its future in sending immigrants away, but Europe cannot survive if foreigners leave. A similar situation also applies to our country. That's why, no matter what country they are in, administrators and opinion leaders must invite people to calm. Peace is a very important issue for the Middle East," Gamsız added.


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