Abdülkadir Özkan: "Everything depends on the attitude of the nation"

Abdülkadir Özkan: "Everything depends on the attitude of the nation"
Date: 18.5.2023 14:00

Milli Gazete columnist Abdulkadir Özkan writes on Türkiye's election. Here is the full article.

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Although it has not been a long process since the election day, May 14, it is clearly seen that the politicians are making an intense calculation in order to win the election in the second round. As time goes on, there are more than 10 million votes to be reached and to get a result in the second round. Those who did not vote in the first round of the election, and the votes deemed invalid because of the wrong vote, exceed 10 million in total.
Let me point out right away that there is no guarantee that votes not received in the first round will be received in the second round. However, the strategies to be implemented to get it have already been put in place. While this is being done, an attitude that hopes to benefit from dividing and stretching the society, as in the first round of the elections, has been brought to the agenda again. By the way, the attitude of some media organs rather than political leaders amazes people. Because, rather than politicians, some newspapers are almost in competition with some politicians to confuse the society.
Let me point out right away that, of course, there is a political and ideological understanding that every media organ is a party to. However, it is remarkable that they will display similar attitudes in the second round as they did in the first round, in order to gain the movement they are on.
However, the society showed that it was tired of the tension style that had been going on for months with the calm demeanor it displayed on the election day. However, it seems that especially the People's Alliance, as if they were disturbed by the calm, especially the mature attitude of the society, they harden their style a little more every day.
Considering the developments with the result of the elections, it seems that even if they got the result they wanted in the second round, they do not want the tension to leave its place to calm. However, the society really does not want to be more stressed. Because especially the economic conditions have stressed people enough. I think the picture of the election results has an important role in this.
I don't know if this hardening would have been needed if results had been obtained in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and in the presidential elections in the first round, but the resulting picture seems to continue in our political life, even if Erdogan wins in the second round.
It seems that the formation of a very colorful image especially in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the fact that neither side has been given a clear advantage will be instrumental in the continuation of uncertainty. Beyond that, it seems that it will not be easy, although not impossible, to move from a presidential system to a Strengthened Parliamentary System with a constitutional amendment.
I am worried that the picture that emerges will pass the troubles experienced in the past in the coming days and months and will look for the old days. As such, one cannot help but ask why this system change was made. With the presidential system brought under the pretext of the instability created by the coalitions, coalitions began to form and gain continuity before the election.
In other words, the presidential system, which was brought to the end of the coalition period, has made coalitions both compulsory and permanent under the name of alliance. As such, it is up to those who make this change to explain it to the public. Saying we did it and it's done is not enough to explain the issue.
As a result, the heart now wants politics to proceed in its normal course, and the parties' accusations of terrorist collaboration and treason to cease. Because such attitudes tense the atmosphere and distract the society from listening to what is being said. As a result, those who do not reflect the truth in the elections try to be effective in the election results with polemics.


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