Abdulkadir Özkan: "The USA can't tell what to do with S-400s"

Abdulkadir Özkan: "The USA cant tell what to do with S-400s"
Date: 26.2.2021 17:00

Milli Gazete columnist Abdulkadir Özkan writes on the US, Turkey tension over Russian made S-400 missiles. Here is the full article.

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It would not be wrong to say that the attitude of the new administration of the USA towards Turkey is not acceptable. However, in saying this, I am not surprised by the insolence of the US administration, "Do not hold the S-400s". Because in my article titled "Either Trump or Biden", which appeared in this column while the US elections were going on, I drew attention to the fact that there will be no change in the practices of the USA against Turkey. Biden management proves at every opportunity that we were not mistaken in this prediction. This shows that US foreign policy is more of a state policy than the chosen ones. After reminding once again this determination, it is necessary to see that there will be no serious change in the foreign policy of the USA, especially Turkey, and there may be a change of discourse according to the conditions.
The US's joint military exercises with Greece in recent days have been subjected to different evaluations. For example, this joint action is evaluated under the heading of "Greece surrenders to the USA for 12 miles" or "Greece is pursuing a new plan with the USA". However, the USA's relations with Greece have generally been in the form of supporting Greece. Whenever Turkey's relations with Greece were strained, the USA sided with Greece. For example, if the provocations of Greece from time to time in Cyprus, the Mediterranean and the Aegean have tensed the environment, the USA chose the Greek side.
In fact, most of this support has been shown openly. The last example of this was seriously disturbed by Turkey's purchase of the S-400 missile defense system from Russia, and even brought this discomfort to pressure on Turkey. Because Turkey bought the Russian-built S-400 missile defense system because the USA did not give the Patriots we paid for. However, even this compulsory purchase is enough to drive the USA crazy, constantly putting pressure on Turkey to dispose of these missile defense systems. However, the same missile system has existed in Greece for many years. The reason why the USA, which is not disturbed by this, is disturbed by our S-400s, is not because this system disturbs them. They just want Turkey to remain dependent and dependent on them until the end. In short, Greece can buy and use the defense system it wants, but when it comes to Turkey, it cannot buy missile systems that the US does not want. Of course you can. If it does, the USA sends an order, "Do not hold the S-400 missile systems," without even hiding its discomfort. Abundance leaves us to decide how to do it if we are going to dispose of it, not telling which country we should give what to do. The slightest description of this attitude may be arrogance, but it seems more appropriate to call it banditry. We can say that they give the impression that we need to get their approval for every step we take to keep our relations with the US going well. As such, we, as Turkey, need to adopt a new attitude especially in relations with the USA and the EU. If this is the case, a common foreign policy should be determined, especially at home. The way to achieve this is not to deal with unnecessary quarrels and debates as the government and opposition, but through a common foreign policy to be determined. There may be disagreements inside from time to time. It is important to meet on the same front against a number of external threats and enemies by getting rid of the accusations and accusations that cannot look at each other as excuses and to protect our country's interests.


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