Last year, the United States, which bombed the mosque community and martyred the wounded survivors, slaughtered the little children in the memorial ceremony of Qur'an the previous day.
Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, the United States, which systematically processes similar brutal massacres in many Islamic towns, proves every time that the war is clearly on Islam and Muslims. The assault by the invaders' air force and the attack on 101 children has once again shown the true face of the United States. More than 200 people were injured in the same attack.
In the last year, Syria, who founded itself and supported the terrorist organizations in the public awareness of the radical interpretations of the terrorist organizations in the night praying at the time of praying the community and 58 Muslims in the United States, the United States, Afghanistan, 101 Kidnapping training target 101 small child.
The US, the enemy of Islam, is bombarding institutions and organizations that sometimes teach secrets of U.S. The killer US army, a marriage time in the city of Aleppo in Syria in March of last year Hz. Omar Mosque was bombed and buried, more than 300 community members who started to live in order to raise awareness of the Muslim public against the terrorist organizations, the Muslim prayer of a member of the Muslim community was martyred. The convicted US army, who bombed four consecutive bombs, tried to hide the guilt with the lie "But they were al-Qaeda."