İbrahim Kalaycı, member of the General Administrative Board of the Felicity (Saadet) Party and former Vice President of the Anatolian Youth Association (AGD) Istanbul Branch, passed away.
Kalaycı, who attaches great importance and value to the youth of the Milli Görüş, was especially known for his loyal and long-suffering works in the organizational work in Istanbul.
A funeral prayer was held for the deceased İbrahim Kalaycı, one of the older brothers of the Saadet Party and AGD's Istanbul organizations, in the Beykoz Çiğdem District Central Mosque, following the noon prayer yesterday.
After the funeral prayer, which was attended by the Saadet Party Vice Presidents Mustafa Kaya, Ersan Bilgin, Saadet Party GIK Member Dr. Abdullah Sevim, Saadet Party Istanbul Provincial Chairman Ömer Faruk Yazıcı, YENİAD Chairman Selman Esmerer, AGD Istanbul Branch President Mehmet Yaroğlu and Cansuyu Association Istanbul Provincial Coordinator Şenol Duzgun, as well as members of Milli Görüş organizations in Istanbul, the late İbrahim Kalaycı is buried in his family cemetery in Zerzevatçılar village.
As the Milli Gazete family, we wish Almighty God's mercy on the deceased İbrahim Kalaycı, and patience for his family and loved ones.