The trial of 103 suspected guilty of "to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey, to participate in the abduction" was continued in Ankara 5th High Criminal Court. Accused defendants, associates and lawyers of the parties attended. The President of the Court Mustafa Yiğitsoy stated that Tansu Ciller, who served as Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chairman of the DYP, sent an excuse on the invitation to be heard as a "witness" during the 28 February period. Ilnur Cevik, who made Erbakan's special counseling, listened as "witness". Asked to inform them, Cevik stated that at that time he was the general editor of the Turkish Daily News and at the same time carried out Erbakan's special counseling.
During an invitation, Cengiz Çandar, the deputy chief of staff of the time, told Cengiz Çandar has said that "this is a postmodern coup". Cevik said that the information came from the BÇG at that time and that the newspapers published them and later these reports were used as evidence in the closure case of the Refah Party and he said, "Unfortunately, the evidence has been produced."
The lawyer of the defendants, Müşteba Aydin, "the first thing to do in a coup is to block of the Assembly, the second is to remove the government, the third is to establish the junta government. Is Mesut Yilmaz's government a junta government?" Cevik responded" Yes "to your question. Cevik, lawyer Aydin said that the members of the parliament were under pressure on the question, "Does the junta's government need to have confidence in the Assembly?"
Answering to another question, Çevik said 28 February, describing the suffering of 800 thousand people as a result, "Turkey was conducted in the streets of tanks. This was a threat, not a stick. Eventually there are 800 thousand victims. The people on board did not come from the sky, nor did they come from another planet. I do not have to elaborate on this."