Syria, the country of the fallen martyrs, orphaned children, is the country of children born in war and thinking that they will die in war.
We have set off as a journalist from Atatürk Airport for the opening of a school in Syria, which has been fighting for life for 7 years in the civil war. After landing at Gaziantep Airport in the first light of the morning, we moved to IHH's relief store in Kilis. Here, we welcomed with the association managers and journalists who welcomed us, and talked to us in Syria. When the conversation became dark, there was one more person from the animation company. He says, you will see the persecution and witness it. If you have a negative opinion about Syrian citizens, they will all go.
5 minutes after heading towards the border, we are still encountering an IHH warehouse at the zero point of the full border. Here we changed the vehicle, Syrian plate bus to Azez. we set out. One side of us crossing the border is fear, the other side of us is thrilled. We're passing police checks, checking IDs. Everything is ok. We are now arriving at the Turkmen village in Azez, saying that children wait for us now. A crowded child scream welcomes us. In front of me, I see the stand of the Refugee Rights Association. It says "Unlimited Children's Festival". I turn my head to the right, witnessing a school built by a municipality. Fears are going, instead of happiness is full of happiness.
The Children's Festivity Event organized under the leadership of the International Refugee Rights Association starts at noon and continues until noon. It is not easy to spend the energy on children. outbound activities for university students from Turkey, almost child's happening with the kids, running together, playing together, they laugh together. The end of the evening hours, endless energy… Nobody seems to give up. After the protocol is completed, the preparations for the school are completed and the ribbons are cut and the school is opened, the children scream the joys of the places and the sky. Happiness in faces adds happiness to our happiness.
While all of this is happening, a Turkmen citizen is approaching me with his motorcycle den We must be very glad that we have arrived, because the smile is not missing. She softly invites my ear and invites me home. Please come, I want to buy you food and tea,‘ he says. I'm not allowed to leave this area for security reasons, but I thank you very much. However, when there is no possibility of something coming, he turns around and says, We always wait.
The soldiers watching me with sharp gaze. I go with them and I say hi. They were in the Free Syrian Army, After having some conversation, liked me, I think they should be relieved, they started to say: This village has suffered serious injuries, people have been seriously persecuted. The children were born in war, they grew up in war. There are many families left homeless. Wounds are trying to cling, but I think it will take a lot of time. Yar It doesn't go through it, and she gets a salary of $ 800.
At this moment, a sound rose from the stage. The host of the program organized by the Refugee Rights Association brought a small child to the stage. Yahya was asked questions from four branches. However, the answer to a question filled almost everyone's eyes.
The governor of Kilis attended the school opening. The Turkish police that came with the governor said:, The environment was safer and more peaceful. With the Special Operations police. He is saluting, asking where we came from and wondering our profession. We ask him about the strength and structure of the Turkish soldier in Azez (Euphrates Shield Region). Confidently, her breast would swell until it was over. ‘While we are here, do not worry üzerine. He also advises us to move out of the border.