The bargaining for a raise, in which millions of civil servants and retired civil servants have high hopes, continues. The 5+6 and 6+6 hikes for 2022 and 2023, announced by the government wing, were not accepted by the confederations. After the rejected offer of a raise, Memur-Sen labour union gave the government wing time to make a second offer. In the four days since the deadline, the government did not submit its second proposal.
After the expiry of the second offer submitted to the government wing, Memur-Sen reiterated his call for the government to present the second raise offer with a rally in Ankara Anadolu Square where thousands of civil servants came together, and that the offer to be presented should be an offer for the benefit of the civil servant.
Reiterating their demand for a new and fair offer to the government and expressing that they took to the streets for this reason, Ali Yalçın, Chairman of Memur-Sen, said, "A new offer should come as soon as possible. Last 3 days for collective bargaining negotiations. These 3 days should be used very well. That's why we say; O government, o public employer, we are waiting for a new, fair, negotiable offer."
Yalçın stated that the loss of rights experienced since the 5th Term Collective Agreement period, which could not be reached and went to the Arbitration Committee, should be eliminated.
"We presented on the table the proposals of granting the rights lost from the 5th collective agreement, fulfilling the requirements of the day, and giving hope to the future. We said; The damage caused by the employer-arbitrator partnership should be compensated, and the public officials should be given a raise of 600 TL," he added.