Dodik is alleged to establish a gigantic currency network in the Republic of the Bosnian Republic of Bosnia using the political population.
Dodik, which is indirectly or directly in the management of the companies in the hands of the companies and wants to prevent racist discourses in the approaching elections in the approaching elections and wants to protect the seat.
The dirty and insidious plans are trying to instrument the Bosnian Muslims, Dodik, and the rising reactions from outside and out of the outside have become even more evident.
Bosnia Herzegovina, which is an entity, which is connected to the central government of the Central Government, he started to show the re-existence of Serbian fascism that leaves bloody tracks in the Balkans in the 1990s in the 1990s.
Serbian Leader Milorad Dodik, the pioneering of Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Muslims of Bosnian Muslims in the target board, while the political voltage in Bosnia has returned to the curtain of many different accounts behind the curtain.
In the Bosnian Republic, the opposition block in the Serbian Republic has been used to reduce the corruption thesis from the Dodik's seat to the finest details of the corruption of corruption, while a list of the companies in the management of Dodik in the direction of the oppositional press organ was even more difficult.
In October 2022, the structure of National and Cantonese governments will be determined with the general elections to be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (Снсд) that Dodik's leadership is very important. Bosnia In the Republic of Serb, the opposition gain powerful power is increasing Dodik's concern. In the face of the new corruption claims that are constantly revealed in the corner, the 'polarization and hate speech' to prevent the dodic political population jammed to the corner. In their last discourse, Dodik who aims to make the Bosnians target with the ugly words, the Serbian nationalists want to keep their vote at the party.
He wants to maintain the votes he gained from Serbian racists
On January 9, the capital of the Bosnian Republic of Serbian Republic, the National Day shows of Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka had a stage of the trunk show of Serbian fascism. The racist show of Dodik, who fueled Serbian fascism to avoid losing the power of power, attracted the attention of the racist show in this show. The Bosnian Muslims are afraid of the cutting of nationalist segments of nationalist cuts who voted against him by the descriptions of the nationalist segments of the nationalist segments of the economic gains.
The opponent press released the list; Tens of companies are working to Dodik
In the Bosnian Republic of Serb, an opposition channel published a list of companies that are openly linked to Dodik, Bosnian Serbian leader and his family members.
On the alleged list to be linked to Dodik;
Kaldera, GP Krajina, Grand Trade, Red Box Media, Eco Group, Infiniti Internacional Group, Moja Apoteka, Euphoria Marketing, DL Plakat, Atv Televizija i Radio, Factor Magazin, Bl-Portal, Infiniti Ads, EP Mobile, Infinity Energy and ITSS , RK Boska, Delta Planet, Prointer, EVL, DOO-ELONSKA VideLutrija, Senet D.0.0., Sirius, Marković Invest - RM Lactiši, Agrovoće, Global Liberti, G and S Co Max, Agrodestil, Iedova Rakija, Agape Restaurant 1, Agape Restaurant 2, Restaurant Kaldrma, Bureni Laktaši, Hotel San Laktaši, Igokea KK, Sektor ADS, Alpha Security, Alfa Plus, Alumina Doo Zvornik, Naša Bank, Hotel Bistrica Jahorina Laking D.0.0. Istočno Sarajevo, Banja Vrućica, Euroekspres, Clinica Kostić (50%), Tesla Elekrik Laktarši, Niskogradnja, Centar Za Automobilsko inženjerstvo, Homologoja Vozila i Tehnički Pregled, Aeroput (Privatni Avioni), Veletekstil, Fruit Eco, Green Line, SB Invest, Global Liberty, Mega IT, RM, Business Inteligence, Iskra Trade, N City, KBV Datacom, Global Star, Parking Garaže UKC (izgradnja), Interkont Komerc Doo, Quantum, Zemljište Poljoprivredne Škole Bl, Restaurant i Hotel Kaldera, Una TV