Greeks will establish a museum for the genocidal colonel

Greeks will establish a museum for the genocidal colonel
Date: 7.11.2022 10:00

This time, the Greek Cypriots decided to build a museum in the name of the Greek Colonel Yorgos Grivas, the founder of the terrorist organization EOKA (Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston) and who personally led the genocide against the Turks in Cyprus.

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When all kinds of extortion, harassment and violations they do go unpunished, the Greeks know no bounds in disgrace... The silence of Ankara spoils the Greeks... 
The Athens administration, which usurps Turkey's rights in the Sea of Islands and disregards international law, is not alone. The Greeks, who know no bounds in their hostility towards Turks, are almost competing with each other on how to make more hostility. The Greek Cypriot administration decided to establish a museum for the genocidal Greek Colonel Yorgos Grivas, who burned Turkish villages and shot women and children. The bill regarding the allocation of financial support from the budget for the conversion of the Azina House, where Grivas had been hiding for a while in South Nicosia, into a museum, passed the Financial Committee of the Greek Cypriot House of Representatives. According to the news in the Greek Cypriot press, the bill, which includes the allocation of resources from the budget for the purpose of turning the house into a museum, was initiated by the National Popular Front (ELAM) deputy, known as the far-right and racist, from the Financial Commission of the Greek Cypriot House of Representatives, and it was passed with the votes of the Democratic Mobilization Party (DİSİ), the Greek Nationalist Democrat Party (DIKO), and the Social Democrat Movement (EDEK) of the center-right. Making a statement on the subject, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar said that this initiative is unacceptable. Ersin Tatar also stated that Grivas is considered a terrorist even in Greece and the Greek Cypriot side. Tatar said in a statement to Turkish Radio and Television Corporation News (TRT Haber), “This is a shame, this cannot be a museum, it would be a monument to shame at best. What will they tell in this museum, how they massacred the Turkish Cypriots or how they committed genocide?” he said. 


The Greeks saw the Turks on the Island as an obstacle to their ENOSIS (integration of Cyprus to Greece) goals. EOKA was founded in 1955 by Yorgo Grivas for this purpose. His target was the Turkish Cypriots. In the first attacks of the Greeks, 92 Turks were killed in Nicosia alone. The Greek Cypriot terrorist organization EOKA militants carried out their first major massacre in Ayvasil in Nicosia. against the Turkish Cypriots in their village on December 23, 1963. 21 Turkish Cypriots who were taken captive in this village were killed and buried in a mass grave after their hands were tied. While the Greek Cypriot gangs continued their attacks in the Kumsal region of Nicosia on December 24, 1963, they brutally murdered the wife and three children of Major Nihat İlhan, who was working as a doctor in the Turkish Regiment in Cyprus. His wife Mürüvet İlhan and their children Murat, Kutsi and Hakan were found dead in the bathtub of Major İlhan's house. While this event went down in history as the "Beach Massacre" or "Bathroom Massacre", the house where the raid was made was later opened to visitors as the Museum of Barbarism. 


While 103 Turkish villages that were attacked during the events had to be evacuated, 364 Turks were martyred in the events that started in Cyprus in 1963 and continued in 1964. On August 6, 1964, the Greeks attacked Erenköy, which was defended by university students and mujahideen from Erenköy, with the forces under the command of EOKA leader Yeoryos Grivas. Nearly 500 Turkish mujahideen, consisting of students, veterinarians and teachers, who secretly came to the region to protect Erenköy, took cover next to the people. These heavy attacks of the Greeks could not break the resistance in Erenköy. Stating that it is not possible to remain silent about the Greek Cypriots committing a new massacre every day, Deputy Prime Minister of the time, the leader of Milli Gorus, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan launched the Cyprus Peace Operation on July 20, 1974, for the security of the Turks on the Island, using his right of guarantor, upon the negative response of the UK. After the Peace Operation, the Turks living on the island breathed a sigh of relief, and EOKA's massacres came to an end.


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