In the conference, it was stated that the Zionist Israel was working on justification for Israel and on the last day of the conference, a cultural tour called 'Discovering the Jewish Heritage in Izmir'.
The opening speech of the conference, where dozens of sessions will be held, was made by Roey Gilad from the Israeli Embassy in Ankara.
‘Jewish Conference’ is held silently in Izmir. The 3rd International Conference on Israeli and Jewish Studies, attended by academicians from nearly 100 local and foreign universities, is going on at Izmir Democracy University (November 8-10).
In this conference, it was stated that the Zionist Israel, which massacred the Muslims for the dirty ambitions of Islamic geography and the Middle East and openly supported the terrorist organizations, was carrying out studies on the legitimation of the Zionist Israel.
A silent conference is being held in Izmir. In this conference, Islamic Geography and the Zionist Israel, which massacred Muslims for their dirty ambitions in the Middle East and openly supported terrorist organizations, are working on justification.
The first is held in Konya and the second in Balıkesir Bandırma, the third of the International Conference on Israel and Jewish Studies is held in İzmir. The conference, which started at Izmir Democracy University on Friday, November 8, will end today (November 10).
Nearly 100 academicians from domestic and foreign universities attended the conference and tens of academicians from 10 state universities attended the conference.
Israel and Jewish Studies International Conference, held three conferences despite being in doubt in the mind to be in Turkey amplifying, while making the program increases the secret question marks. While it is noteworthy that no institutions, organizations and newspapers are informed about the Jewish Conference, it is stated that the conference aimed to improve the image of Israel in the conference attended by academicians from many countries.
The opening speeches of the conference will be held in tens of sessions, Rector of Izmir Democracy University. Dr. Bedriye Tunçsiper and Roey Gilad from the Israeli Embassy in Ankara.
On the other hand, on the last day of the conference, the participants of the cultural tour in Izmir, the name of the cultural tour 'Discovery of Jewish Heritage in Izmir', drew attention.
US scandal strength from Jerusalem Israeli decision, while increasing persecution of the Palestinian people, while in Turkey a mysterious way, 'Jewish Conference' continues to be held.
The topics of the session of the International Conference on Israel and Jewish Studies in Izmir are seen as sympathetic to Israel and Jews.
'Jews and Judaism', 'Zionism, Pioneers and Israel', 'Jewish traces in World History', 'Art and Literature in Jewish Culture', 'Islam and Judaism: Encounters, Transitions, Comparisons',' Israel's Place in the International System and Global Relationships with 'Judaism as a Journey of Transformation' are just a few headlines on the table.
Hundreds of academics attended the conference and each participant touched upon issues that highlighted the different sides of Israel and Jews.
The 3rd International Israel and Jewish Studies Conference was held in a harsh reaction from the Jerusalem and Turkish History Association. It condemns the individuals and institutions who make any contribution to the organization, hosting or conduct of the International Conference on the Study of Israel and Judaism.
The statement said, "Such a conference does not objectively represent Israel as an actual state, but as an invader. It is being purged from the crimes it has committed about Palestine and the Palestinians, Turkey to the Mediterranean and targeting different places, in dozens of the Mavi Marmara in Turkey should be polishing its image in Israel, which threatens to Turkey's lives. We invite all institutions and organizations that embrace the Palestinian cause to take action against this conference. To this end, we call on social media, as well as contacting participants and speakers and organizing actions against this conference. We also call for action to be taken to ensure that these and similar conferences and sessions are not repeated."