Former Prime Minister of the Israeli regime, Ehud Olmert, said that what he regrets most about not acting as president is to remove Hamas from Gaza administration in 2009.
"The operation was not completed," said Olmert, who told the English-language channel "i24" that he had the option of removing Hamas from the administration that day.
Olmert said that in 2009, Hamas's overthrow was a mistake of occupation regime defense and foreign ministers, Olmert said, adding that the ministers said that the completion of the operation would lead to massive losses in Israel.
Olmert said that because of the big mistake they made in 2009, Hamas later gathered to become even stronger and that it was impossible to remove Hamas from Gaza's rule today.
In 2009, the occupation army waged war against the Gaza Strip in the name of "Spilled Lead". The Palestinians gave the name "Furkan War" to the war that Olmert was the prime minister.