Israelis failed in their perception operation against HAMAS

Israelis failed in their perception operation against HAMAS
Date: 17.10.2023 13:00

The Directorate of Communications' Center for Combating Disinformation announced that the claims shared on some social media accounts of "the baby kidnapped by HAMAS" and "Israelis running to save their lives at the festival" are not true.

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In the bulletin, it was emphasized that the claim made by the Israeli TV channel that "HAMAS resisters beheaded 40 Israeli babies" was not true, and it was reported that officials from the Israeli army told the Anadolu Agency that they did not have information or evidence to confirm the claims.
The Presidential Directorate of Communications Center for Combating Disinformation published the 94th issue of the Disinformation Bulletin.
In the bulletin, it was stated that the claim of the US-based TV channel NBC that "According to the secret documents found on the murdered HAMAS resisters, primary schools and children in Israel were deliberately targeted" was manipulation.
The bulletin reminded that the latest conflicts between Israel and Palestine started on Saturday, October 7, and that Fridays and Saturdays are public holidays in Israel, and that the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command announced that schools would be closed in the center and south of the country on October 7.


It was noted that in the following hours, the Ministry of Education announced the decision to close all schools throughout Israel, that there were no children in schools on Saturday, October 7 and the following days, and that the claim that "schools were targeted with the intention of killing more children" was not compatible with reality.
Regarding the images shared on some social media accounts with the claim of "Baby Kidnapped by HAMAS", it was stated that the claim of "Baby Kidnapped by HAMAS" is not true.
It was reported that the video in question was shared on social media about a month before the start of the latest conflicts between Israel and Palestine, and in the footage, an Arabic-speaking person asks the child questions about his family.
In the bulletin, it was emphasized that the claim made by an Israeli TV channel that "HAMAS resisters beheaded 40 Israeli babies" was not true, and it was reported that Israeli army officials told the Anadolu Agency that they did not have information or evidence to confirm the claims.
It was mentioned that US President Joe Biden's statement, "I never thought I would see photos of children's heads being cut off" regarding the claim made by the Israeli media that "HAMAS resisters beheaded 40 babies" was disinformation.
It was reported that the claim was first made by an Israeli TV channel, but no information or documents were provided to confirm this news.


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