Every sane person knows that there is a solution to unemployment in our country and investments for production. However, those who will implement this must have a mission, vision and strong will. In the past, the understanding that furnished four parts of our country with factories and industrial facilities by saying heavy industry, defense industry, domestic and national industry was present in the understanding of our late leader Erbakan. Now, those who express that they come from this tradition from time to time, even those who do not neglect to visit his grave, unfortunately, are far from this understanding. Not that, walking with this understanding, they clearly state that they have the opposite thought with their current actions.
Here, the Minister of Environment says, "We are building 19 national gardens in Ankara with a size of 4 million square meters." Now I have to ask, Mr. Minister, how many unemployed young people will work in the gardens of the nation you are planning to build, how many families will be a breadwinner? This and many other similar, wasted, ostentatious investments are being made. But none of these are a solution to the problems of the unemployed, the poor or the poor. Isn't this kind of park and gardening work that municipalities should do? What understanding is it that the government does these things? At most, it is nothing but the tactics of applying make-up, painting, deceiving the nation with shows, distracting and sleeping. In other words, it seems that you cannot solve the problems of the nation, you do not have the ability to produce solutions, you struggle to get out of this situation, but your strength is not enough anymore. Because the solution turns only to the National Vision mission.
On the other hand, an example of this distorted understanding and imitative mentality is the disruptions in the services provided to the disabled. Criteria brought before the rights arising from the law numbered 2022 unfair and difficult to understand and far from human values. What are these? The disabled individual cannot find a job despite looking for a job for years, and those who want to benefit from the law are put as a criterion that the family income should not exceed one third of the minimum wage. Even in the past, disabled people who received a salary even though they did not meet this criterion by mistake were identified and this small amount of money they received was taken back together with their interest. This incomprehensible criterion also applies to home care. Here, too, the criterion is that the per capita income in the family should not exceed two-thirds of the minimum wage. On one hand, the mentality that scrutinizes the subject when the subject is disabled, poor, needy, and on the other hand, unfortunately, a number of bourgeois classes cook boza at the beginning of the poor. Bureaucrats or retired bureaucrats working with high salaries also receive fat second and third salaries from another place. How can this be explained? What scales of justice can weigh this? How does society respond in its conscience? Or how does society digest it? We leave this to the public.
A distorted example of how unfair and unfair distribution of national income is seen above. We can write such examples a lot. However, we do not want to take your precious time. We congratulate the month of Ramadan, which includes the Night of Qadr that is better than a thousand months.