At the International Marawi-Bangsmoro Conference in Terangganu, Malaysia, what can be done about the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Marawi was discussed.
Abdulhadi Awang, the leader of the Islamic Party of Malaysia, stated that the Islamic Union must be established and that a strong Islamic Union is needed to solve the Muslim problems.
The International Marawi-Bangsmoro Conference was held in Terangganu, Malaysia. The International Marawi-Bangsmoro Conference, chaired by Abdul Hadi Awang, the leader of the Islamic Party of Malaysia, was attended by the Minister of Health of the newly established autonomous government in Moro.
Safrullah Dipatian also joined with a large committee. From Turkey Economic and Social Studies Center (ESAM) Board Member Yilmaz Balçın's participation in the conference, which provides for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Marawi about what can be done tabled. At the conference where the current situation was reviewed, decisions were made on education, health, infrastructure, technical support, finance and micro-credit supports, diplomacy, law and planning for emergency aid for the region's redevelopment.
ESAM Board Member Yılmaz Balçın made a speech under the title of Potential Cooperation of Islamic Movements and NGOs for Marawi, "Dr. Necmettin Erbakan always supported the Moro Muslims," he said.
Pointing out that the potential of Muslims is very high, Balçın said, "The Muslim population, which is close to 2 billion people in the world, has the youngest and most dynamic capacity. Muslim communities must unite their forces and use them efficiently and practically in all matters."
Stating that Moro is one of the most important agenda items at the International Congress of Muslim Communities Union held every year by ESAM, Balçın said: "Haci Murat İbrahim, Prime Minister of Moro Islamic Freedom Party and Bangsmoro Autonomous Government, constantly attending these meetings and presenting the current situation to the participants."
Working groups were formed to support the newly established autonomous government in Bangsmoro and Hacı Murat İbrahim, chairman of Moro Islamic Freedom Party and his cabinet, who will serve as prime minister for 3 years. On the other hand, it was decided to continue to support the IFRD-International Federation of Development and Assistance Organizations for urgent humanitarian needs. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, the leader of the Islamic Party of Malaysia, Abdulhadi Awang, said that the Islamic Union should be established and that a strong Islamic Union is needed to solve the problems of Muslims. Ang We are dealing with the problems of Ache, Manilan, Marawi, Patani, because we are Muslim brothers from the same root in the same region. We are in solidarity with our brothers in order to live in peace and peace with everyone in society. We can't leave them alone..