Mustafa Kaya: "Erbakan Hodja"

Mustafa Kaya: "Erbakan Hodja"
Date: 28.2.2021 17:00

Milli Gazete columnist Mustafa Kaya writes on Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan. Here is the full article.

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He belonged to this civilization, this geography with his soul and body. When he saw that his every offer and every step was blocked by politics, he rolled up his sleeves, took off in politics, and founded the National Vision movement. With this decision, he left a permanent mark on the last half century of Turkey. He struggled to pull this country and the oppressed to the deserved point with the goals he set. He was a completely different leader who was the engine of society. He drew the horizon with his discourses and tried to realize the ideals he planned in theory with his actions. It was unique and special with its vision and mission. He never put frustration and giving up on his agenda. He always focused on tomorrow. He was able to put on patience even at the most difficult times. Patience meant to resist adversity and not surrender to conditions. He believed and shook the people who had fallen into the maelstrom of despair, made them believe. He reminded the millions who followed him of his responsibilities for the past, today and tomorrow.
He could have lived a very comfortable life with the opportunities offered to him if he wanted to, he was cherished by everyone. Yet he chose the difficult one. He was aware of the task that history placed on his shoulders. He was awake, kept awake, always tried to awaken. He never entered into a personal showdown against those who pretended to sleep, and those who made a special effort not to understand him despite being around him. He never had a problem to push anyone out of the ring. He knew it was a plague. He sought ways to exploit everyone's capacity to the extent that it was. He did not accuse, whine, complain or give up. He showed the always full side of the glass. Thus he kept hope alive.
He had a strong will. He always managed to get up from where he fell. Every time their party was closed, he surprised and regretted those who rubbed their hands so that he could no longer stand up, and again managed to hit the road with the same belief. Neither postmodern interventions nor the obstacles in his path could turn him away.
He had a high self-confidence. He did not hesitate to talk to everyone because his problem was eating grapes. He put his body under the burden, not his hands, to solve the problems of the country. He did not marginalize. It did not segregate society. He always tried to prevent this because he knew how disastrous the encampment would turn into a disaster for the country and the nation. His language and style were also full of courtesy. It was encompassing. It was embracing.
He was a case man who "committed jihad with his property and his life." He put forward the most distinguished and memorable examples of statesmanship throughout his life. One by one he revealed the traps of racist imperialism. It did not stay on the defensive in its usual way against the games of the global powers. It came like this, never surrendered to the understanding of such expenses. He never accepted being an extra in the plays that were set up, in scripts written by someone else. He always tried to set up a game himself. It always made its specific gravity felt. Those who love, who do not love, those who are not against them are giving their rights one by one today.
National Vision movement founding leader and Prime Minister of the 54. Government of the Republic of Turkey, Saadet Party leader Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan passed away 10 years ago yesterday, on February 27, 2011. His last mission before his death contains very important messages about today. Even in the most severe conditions of health problems, he did not stop fighting for his cause, drawing a route and showing an address.
Throughout his life, he became hope for the oppressed, a remedy for the desperate, and hope for the hopeless. He was the confidant of the orphans. May Allah have mercy on him. May it give us the opportunity to understand him properly. 


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