The Palestine issue constitutes the main pillar of today's struggle between right and wrong. Zionists and the Evangelists they follow are doing their best to occupy all Palestinian lands.
While today's superstitious mentality strives to establish a system of corruption in Palestine as well as throughout the world, it is of great importance that we, conscientious people, know the Palestinian cause better.
The article series titled "Palestine, the Common Cause of Every Muslim" also serves the purpose of better understanding the Palestinian issue.
In 633, Abu Bakr (r.a.) sent many armies to the region to conquer the Damascus lands under Roman rule.
After the death of Abu Bakr (r.a.), the conquest of the Palestinian lands falls to Omar (r.a.). After the conquest, Omar (r.a.) writes a charter for the Christians and promises them that no Jews will settle in Jerusalem.
Amr bin As won great victories against the Greeks in the Battle of Ajnadein in 634 and conquered cities such as Fahel, Bisan, Lud and Jaffa. After this war, Abu Bakr (r.a.) orders Khalid bin Velid to head from Iraq to Palestine.
After Abu Bakr's (r.a.) death and Omar's (r.a.) assumption of the caliphate, the Islamic armies in Palestine were instructed to complete the conquest. Ömer's Halid b. After Velid ordered the Islamic armies to gather in a single army, they faced the Greeks in the Battle of Yarmouk. Although the number of Greek soldiers was 200 thousand and the Muslims were 36 thousand, the victory was in favor of the Muslims.
After the conquest of Palestine, Patriarch Sopheronius stipulated that Omar (r.a.) personally receive the city of Jerusalem, known at that time as Ilya. Thereupon, Omer comes to Palestine and writes his omen. In this document, it is declared that no Jews will settle in Jerusalem.
Umayyad and Abbasid Periods
During the Umayyad period, Palestine was affiliated with Damascus ruled by Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan. The Dome of the Rock, one of the most well-known structures inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, was built during the Umayyad period.
The Dome of the Rock was built on the area where the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) ascended to heaven on the Night of Isra. Following the dominance of the Umayyad State, the Palestinian territories became subject to the Abbasid State. The process of Islamization in Palestinian lands continued increasingly during this period. After the Abbasid State, the Tolunids, Karmatians, Akshids and Seljuk States ruled in the Palestinian territories.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. This is the blessing that Omar bin al-Khattab, the servant of Allah and the commander of the believers, gave to the people of Ilya (Jerusalem).
This protection is given to their lives, property, churches and temples, the sick, the healthy and other people.Their churches will not be used or destroyed by Muslims. Nothing will be taken away from the churches and their lands, nor from the crosses of Christians, nor from their property.
There will be no pressure on them to change their religion, and none of them will be forced to do so. The people of Ilya will pay jizya like the people of Medain. They are free to leave here and go to Rum (Byzantium) and Lusus. The lives and property of those who leave are safe until they reach their destination.
Those who stay in the city are also safe. The lives, property and crosses of the people of Ilya who want to leave their temples and crosses and go to Rum with their goods are safe until they reach their destination.
Since that date, anyone living there can stay there if they wish, on condition of paying the jizya like the people of Ilya, or can go to Rum if they wish. The covenant of Allah and the duty of His Messenger, the caliphs and the believers are as written here, as long as they pay the jizya.