Pictures of candidates to be used in presidential election which is going to be held on June 24 were published. There will be 2 compasses in the elections. The name of the candidate who will be chosen by the President will be the official name and seal. The locations of the candidates will be determined by the draw to be made by Supreme Election Board (YSK). The alliance will take place in the parliamentary ambush. Each party will have its own logo and names.
On the other hand, in the statement made by the Press Service of the Saadet Party, we remind you that the abbreviation of "Saadet Party" is not made as 'SP' and that the corporate and legal short is 'SAADET'. The statement said.
Supreme Election Board (YSK) opened a tender for the ballot papers to be used on 24 June President and General Elections. Under the terms of the tender, 308 million 318 thousand 160 compasses will be printed under the election.
Under the tender, a total of 77 million 79 thousand 540 compass will be printed for the presidential election. The technical conditions of the compass are also clear. At the top there will be a color photograph of the candidates, with the names at the bottom. A total of 5.5 centimeters of space will be allocated to the island.
The gap between candidates will be 0.75 centimeters. The background of the candidates' photos will be white. Fonda; no flag, no paintings or religious symbols. The locations of the candidates will be determined by the draw to be made by Supreme Election Board (YSK).