Pointing out that the goal of the outposts is to divide, disintegrate and transform the Islamic geography into smaller states and exploit them more easily, Saadet Party Diyarbakır Provincial Chairman Fesih Bozan said.
"Partition and fragmentation do not benefit Kurds or Turks. Peace, fraternity, justice and equality can only be achieved if it coexists with the Kurds and the Turks, "he said.
Diyarbakır Provincial Chairman Fesih Bozan on press conference ` the goal of the outposts is to divide, disintegrate and transform the Islamic geography into smaller states and exploit them more easily` he said.
Bozan at the press conference in Party building `Partition and fragmentation do not benefit Kurds or Turks. Peace, fraternity, justice and equality can only be achieved if it coexists with the Kurds and the Turks` he added.