Saadet Party reacts to the Parliamentary administration regarding the workplace allocation

Saadet Party reacts to the Parliamentary administration regarding the workplace allocation
Date: 7.12.2023 12:00

The problem regarding the allocation of places to the Saadet Party Parliamentary Group staff continues. Bülent Kaya, Deputy Chairman of the Saadet Party Parliamentary Group, reacted when the parliamentary administration did not take any steps on this issue.

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After no solution could be produced regarding the workplace problem of the Saadet Party's Parliamentary Group staff, Saadet Party Parliamentary Group Deputy Chairman Bülent Kaya reacted to the Parliamentary Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş.


Kaya stated that the 37-person group staff was trying to continue their work in a small room and that no solution was found to the problem.
"A staff of 37 people was allocated to us as group advisors and staff in the parliamentary work. We have to employ these 37 people in a room of only 15 square meters. In other words, if fish piles sit side by side, there is only 1 square meter for 4-5 people, and they want us to carry out an effective Parliamentary work," Kaya said.


Kaya also stated that the Speaker of the Parliament, Kurtulmuş, remained insensitive to what was happening.
"Mr. Numan Kurtulmuş, of course, as the leader of an opposition party, may have saved himself by dissolving his party and jumping on the train of the government. Unfortunately, he may have been saved with his performance in the Presidency of the Parliament, but he killed conscience, killed the law, killed justice and destroyed the practices of the Parliament. Unfortunately, with this attitude, Mr. Numan Kurtulmuş has become, for us, acting like a party official rather than a speaker of the Parliament," Kaya added.


The problem experienced by the Saadet Party Parliamentary Group is not the first. Previously, when the Assembly group was formed, a change in the seating arrangement in the General Assembly Hall was requested, but no steps were taken on this issue.
Thereupon, upon the instructions of MHP leader Bahçeli, some of the sections where MHP deputies lived were opened to the Saadet Parliament Group. Saadet leader Karamollaoğlu also thanked Bahçeli for solving the problem.


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