In a written statement, the Sakarya Sugar Factory was opened on 11 October 1953 in the history of the Republic founded on the fifth factory reminded that the Saadet Party's mayoral candidate for Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Fahrettin Bay, "the factory has served up to 47 years Sakarya farmers. The sugar factory was closed down in 2000 and the Sakarya farmer and his economy were hit hard. Thousands of people have been unemployed, despite the various promises of the AKP government that came to power in 2002, the promises given were not fulfilled. The beet and sugar factory, which has become the symbol of our city, has been abandoned to its fate."
Bay continued with his statement, "I'm Saadet Party's mayoral candidate for Sakarya, as I say; People of Sakarya, they let farmers of Sakarya alone, this Sunday, the municipal elections, the historic opportunity for both our city and our farmers. If you take the Metropolitan Municipality with your support on 31 March, we will implement the project we have been working on for a long time under the leadership of the municipality with a commission of Sakarya Sugar Factory, which consists of 64 thousand partner Sakarya farmers. This project is an important project that we have taken with many partners and interviews with experts and farmers' organizations who have worked in this factory in the past years. In other words, by purchasing the sugar factory, we promise to bring it back to Sakarya economy. With this project, the economy of our city will stand up, and thousands of people will have business. If the Sakarya people give us this task, we will realize this in a very short time as the municipality of Sakarya people. We promise that and I say; When we vote for the future of our city, the sugar factory, think again Sakarya!" he said.