Basic Aptitude Test TYT 2020, the first stage of the university exam YKS, has ended. However, a question asked in the exam revealed a scandalous mistake made by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).
Basic Ability Test TYT 2020, the first session of YKS in 2020, has ended. In particular, a question involving lyrics in the TYT Turkish test confused young people. So, who did the song question in the TYT 2020 Turkish test belong to? Here is the answer...
In the TYT Turkish test, a bad example for young people with his life was given to the singer Mabel Matiz's song, "I'm in the storm" and asked what he meant. According to the first information from the exam takers, what is meant to be explained in the Turkish language test "What does my eye see, not what my chest knows?" A question was asked.
The sentence, "The one my eye sees, not the one my chest knows" is also included in the song "I'm in the Storm" by Mabel Matiz.
They asked the singer who supported LGBT openly
Singer Mabel Matiz is known for his open support from LGBT's so-called actions on social media, targeting the family institution publicly. While ÖSYM has artists who are exemplary for many subjects in the society, why is it that a singer who supports immoral institutions has put his song into question?