Siyami Akyel: "Machiavelian principles of politics"

Siyami Akyel: "Machiavelian principles of politics"
Date: 26.5.2023 16:00

Milli Gazete columnist Siyami Akyel writes on Machiaveli. Here is the full article.

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Niccola Machiavelli wrote the book "The Prince" in the 16th century. Although some of Machiavelli's determinations are related to the events of the period, most of his determinations are the bedside books of many politicians in the following centuries and even today.
Machiavelli, who wrote a work that could not be put down by every politician in every era, in which negative images are loaded on politics and politicians, the dirty face of politics and perception management, mentions that the Prince, that is, the ruler, can be bad if necessary to protect national interests.
On the other hand, he underlines that he must be in a constant struggle not only for national interests, but also to protect his own power.
We present to your attention by summarizing the most important findings and tactics that Machiavelli mentioned in his book "The Prince":
1-According to Machiavelli, the person who rules the state must master the art of war. A strong and commanding military structure is always necessary. In fact, it is a good place for the person who runs the state to have no other thought or job than to fight and prepare for it.
2-The ruler/head of state should read the political history well and imitate the great leaders in history and their behavior. He should examine the successes, failures, success and success factors of these historical figures, create appropriate examples in his mind and apply this successfully.
3-Machiavelli argues that the subjects love a ruler to whom they can easily convey their complaints, and that a very hateful prince who does not directly interfere with the life, honor and property of the people can stay in power for many years. Machiavelli, who argues that the ruler's being soft and affectionate after the moments when he acted harshly, can make him forget the old, says, "Because every change prepares the ground for a new one."
4- In Machiavelli's political philosophy, a ruler/head of state should know how to be hard-hearted in order to hold his throne and should resort to it when necessary.
5-The ruler/head of state should be known with open hands. A generous ruler always profits as long as he does not exaggerate his generosity. It is better to appear generous than to be known as stingy.
6- As long as the ruler/head of state improves the military power, does not leave the people poor, and is not greedy, he should not mind this situation even if it seems stingy. Because the public will see his behavior as stinginess for the good of the state, and this may actually be a plus point.
7-According to Machiavelli, the ruler/head of state can distribute riches and spoils that do not belong to him or his subjects, and this sometimes gives the ruler an advantage. Again, the ruler should prefer to appear merciful instead of appearing cruel, and this preference should be used appropriately.
8- The prince/head of state should try to appear merciful, reliable, understanding, honest and reliable. But in fact the prince's might should allow very little to allow him to be truly merciful.
9-The ruler/head of state should show how necessary he is to improve the quality of life of the people. In other words, he should make the public feel that there would be chaos without him. For example, showing the effects of the chaos that will occur as a result of temporarily loosening the controlled pressure on any individual or institution is one of the important steps in proving how indispensable he is.
10-Machiavelli, the ruler "should he be feared or loved?" He asks the question and says that it is safer and more politically logical to be afraid. He attributes this view to the ungrateful, volatile, self-righteous, cowardly and self-interested nature of man and says: "People depend on themselves when they love, and on the prince when they are afraid."
11-The fact that the ruler/head of state is an honest, chaste person who strives for his ideals is worthy of praise, but the rulers who do this cannot maintain their power for long. Leaders who do not keep their promises have triumphed over leaders who are based on honesty.
12-Machiavelli says that the person who rules the state should try to appear religious in order not to appear rude and immoral, and he cites the Spanish king Ferdinand's attack on Italy on the pretext of religion. He argues that the ruler should appear to be “compassionate, compassionate, connected with faith, honor, humanity, and adorned with these”.
13-According to Machiavelli, the person who rules the state should not seem frivolous, fickle, feminine, grouchy, indecisive. These features cause him to be despised, humiliated, his authority to be shaken, and his charisma to be injured. The ruler should appear determined, serious, dignified and charismatic.
14-The ruler/head of state should appropriate the good deeds on the backs of others. The ruler/head of state should be on good terms with the strong and powerful, but he should also know how to win the hearts of the weak.
15-The ruler/head of state should attempt great things so that when he achieves them, he will gain an unforgettable reputation.
16-The ruler/head of state should elect submissive people as assistants. So much so that if the assistant thinks more about the leader than himself, that assistant is good. The ruler should also take care of his assistant so that he can have himself in me and be sure of his betrayal.
17-The ruler should not allow sycophants around him, instead he should employ wise men. They should be allowed to speak freely and take their views. After receiving their opinions, they should not apply immediately, but should do the application whenever they want.
18-Machiavelli, the ruler should pave the way for the advisers around him to express his opinion on a subject, but should prevent him from acting as if he was giving him advice. He says that he should listen to the counselors patiently but adopt a questioning style so that the counselors do not get the idea that good things are inherited from them.
19-According to Machiavelli, honesty happens in private life, the only rule of politics is the benefit of power. Politics is immoral. Because those who want to remain one hundred percent honest among the dishonest will eventually perish; benevolence in historical action leads to disaster; cruelty is less cruel than tenderheartedness.
20-According to Machiavelli, it is not cruelty to cut off three or five heads in order to prevent civil wars, but a duty. The destiny of politics is to take place in appearance, to give importance to appearance. People judge more with their eyes than with their hands. Nobody knows what we are. He knows how we look.


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