The black propaganda used in the local elections of March 31 caused the brutal massacre of Hasan and Ilyas Aktaş, the ballot box witnesses from the Felicity (Saadet) Party in Pütürge district of Malatya, by the father and uncle sons of AKP Mayor Mikail Sülük.
Five months after the murder, despite the fact that the Ministry of Interior did not initiate any investigation into the number one responsible for the incident, Sülük said that it had promised pressure and work to change the testimonies of those who witnessed the murder.
While the country is locked in to the mayors appointed as trustees, Malatya Pütürge Mayor Mikail Sülük, who caused the murder, still continues his duty.
The polarizing language and black propaganda used by the AKP in the March 31 local elections caused tension in politics.
The hate language used in politics appeared on March 31, 2019 local election day. During the voting process in Pütürge district of Malatya, the father and nephew of AKP Mayor Mikail Sülük killed Hasan and İlyas Aktaş from Saadet Party.
Two fathers who died after the event, leaving 9 orphans behind them, causing the murder of the mayor Sülük is not to start any investigation about the remarkable.
Felicity (Saadet) Party General Chairman Temel Karamollaoglu, in a recent television program said that the mayor who caused the murder in Pütürge district of Malatya should be immediately dismissed.