Despite the net foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank, the economy administration, which does not give up on foreign exchange pressure, now offers the citizens a "multi-currency" experience.
While the perception of uncertainty increases due to the "multiple exchange rate", the uneasiness of the markets also grows.
Although the "multiple exchange rate" confuses people, transactions in the market are made at the free market rate, not the Central Bank rate.
So the markets find its own way. The margin, which reaches 1.5 liras in purchases and sales through the bank, causes the reaction of the citizens.
It is spoken in the markets that banks are instructed in this direction in order to cut the demand that will occur due to the expected "correction" in foreign exchange after the election.
A similar situation in foreign exchange is also seen in gold.
According to the official figures, although the gram of gold seems to be 1,280 liras, citizens who want to buy gold can buy it at a price of 1,420-1,430 liras.
In the meantime, it is stated that banks or financial institutions give a day 4-5 weeks after their customers who come to withdraw physical gold.