The only solution against oppression; Shield of unity against Israel

The only solution against oppression; Shield of unity against Israel
Date: 1.7.2024 11:00

The process that started with the Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7 dealt major blows to the Zionist Israeli regime. The Israeli regime, which suffered great blows in the process that started with the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and sees its current situation as a struggle for existence, wants to spread the war to a wide area.

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The Israeli regime, which suffered great blows in the process that started with the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and sees its situation as a struggle for existence, wants to spread the war to a wide area.
While the Israeli regime determines Lebanon as the first target in this context, many countries in the region are on the target board.
It is of great importance to oppose the Zionists, who have set Anatolian lands as a target in line with their dreams of the Promised Land, under the leadership of Turkey and Iran.
The process that started with the Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7 dealt major blows to the Zionist Israeli regime.
Zionists, whose weaknesses and impotence were revealed by the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, see their situation as a struggle for existence and non-existence.
While the Zionist Israeli regime aims to eliminate all elements of resistance that threaten it in this context, it is seen as a matter of time before the war spreads to Lebanon.
The tension between Hezbollah forces in Lebanon and the Zionist Israeli regime is escalating day by day.


While the Israeli regime puts Lebanon as its primary target, the Houthis in Yemen are also among the possible targets.
The possibility of a comprehensive attack against Yemen is also taken into consideration in the international arena. The Houthis, who dealt heavy blows to the Zionists and their allies in the Red Sea during the Aqsa Flood operation, are wanted to be punished immediately.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are also expected to take a role in a possible attack on Yemen.


Hezbollah allies in Iraq and Syria are also expected to be targeted in a high-stakes war between the Zionist Israeli regime and the Lebanese Hezbollah.
It is thought that the Zionists, who aim to eliminate all possible threats against themselves, will attack Hezbollah allies in the countries in question.
It is seen as inevitable that the attacks launched by the Israeli regime against Hezbollah and its allies will receive a response, especially from Iran.


It is also considered possible that the Zionists, who have their eyes on Anatolian lands within the scope of their dreams of Promised Lands, will take action against Turkey.
While the Israeli regime is not expected to target Turkey directly militarily for now, they want to ensure that Turkey does not side with Hezbollah through indirect attacks.
Ankara's stance against the Israeli regime, which has its eyes on Anatolian lands and should be seen as a national security threat for Turkey, is eagerly awaited.


It is expected that the high-dose war that the Zionist Israeli regime will launch in order to eliminate all threats against itself will affect all countries in the region.
It is also of great importance that the countries of the region, including Turkey, act in unity against the Zionist Israeli regime.
While Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen are under direct threat from the Israeli regime, these countries need to create a shield of unity against the Israeli regime.
Otherwise, as Milli Görüş late leader Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan has stated many times, there is no obstacle to Islamic countries becoming easy prey against racist imperialism.


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