Türkiye's "Syria" policy was wrong from the beginning: Experts

Türkiyes "Syria" policy was wrong from the beginning: Experts
Date: 8.7.2024 12:00

Provocative actions targeting the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) in the northern regions of Syria show that certain groups are trying to drag our country into disaster.

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Provocative actions targeting the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) in the regions of Syria close to the Turkish border show that our country is being pushed towards a disaster by certain forces.
Warnings about the Great Middle East Project made by the 54th Prime Minister of the Turkish Government and the leader of the Milli Görüş Movement, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan, 30 years ago, continue to appear one by one today.
Provocative actions targeting the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) in the northern regions of Syria show that certain groups are trying to drag our country into disaster.
Erbakan exposed the treacherous plans of the Zionists on the Middle East in the 90s. What happened today once again justified what Erbakan Hodja said.
Zionist Israel's recent genocide in Palestine, as well as signals of its invasion of Lebanon, show that danger is approaching Türkiye's borders.
The provocative actions in Syria are interpreted as Turkey being strategically alone in the region.
In this context, while the Great Middle East Project mentioned by Erbakan Hodja continues to progress step by step, it is a known fact that the necessary precautions against this great danger are not taken with great seriousness.


Researcher-Writer Müfid Yüksel, who evaluated the current events in northern Syria for our newspaper.
"Turkey could not take any action after the release of 'One Minute' and remained only in heroic rhetoric and could not take an effective action in the Middle East region. The impact of this was also seen to a great extent in the Arab geography. It was seen that Turkey could not and would not do real work, which led to a great loss of confidence. Of course, there are certain reasons for this. The first is Turkey's state structure, the second is the extreme pragmatism of our community, and the last is the alliance with the Nationalist Movement Party. This alliance turned many things upside down," Yüksel said.


Stating that wrong steps were taken in the Middle East region, Yüksel said, "Turkey's Syria policy since 2011 was wrong from the beginning. What we say does not mean that the Assad regime is not a cruel and bloody regime. Whatever the policy, it was strategically wrong for Türkiye. They tried to do in a short period of 3-4 months what could have been done in 10-15 years, and thus it was seen that they did not know the region. Another factor was the formation of a Russian, Iranian and Chinese axis over Syria. In the face of this axis, Türkiye faltered."


"Türkiye, with its Syria policy, allowed a large number of Arabs to enter the country. But on the other hand, it continued to follow a central policy based on Turkish nationalism. It gave up its people's hopes in the Middle East and pinned their hopes on Azerbaijan. It said one nation, two states, but Azerbaijan destroyed its hopes. Azerbaijan stood by Israel and continues to do so. The Turan movement, in which you left the Middle East and thought about Azerbaijan, is also over. It remained like a ship that had lost its compass due to the wrong policies pursued by Turkey. There is a Türkiye that continues to become increasingly isolated. The steps taken in foreign policies cause great harm to our country," Yüksel added.


Journalist Ramazan Bursa, who makes evaluations about what is wanted to be done in Türkiye and is a close follower of what is happening in Syria.
"There is an increasing anti-asylum and anti-refugee sentiment in Turkey in recent days. Some people are consciously scratching their heads at this. In that respect, state institutions need to do serious work. Actions targeting asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey should not be allowed and their dissemination in a way that creates hostility within the society should not be allowed. I do not mean that our country should turn into a refugee paradise. But there are nearly 4 million Syrians we host in our country. There are also refugees from other nations. They are sent to their countries over time, when the environment is established in accordance with international law and our values. This is a separate study. However, since this process will start from today and will not end tomorrow, the anti-asylum seeker and anti-refugee sentiment that is being attempted in our country threatens Turkey's internal security," Bursa said.


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