We cannot ignore Gaza: Saadet Party Leader

We cannot ignore Gaza: Saadet Party Leader
Date: 27.6.2024 10:00

Saadet Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu drew attention to the statements about the third world war.

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The Saadet-Gelecek Party Parliamentary Group weekly group meeting was held. Speaking at the meeting, Saadet Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu drew attention to the government's economic policies.
Karamollaoğlu stated that with the policies currently implemented, only 20 percent of the population can get by.
"What can they do, they are doing their best. No friends, they are doing their best, for themselves," Karamollaoğlu said.
"Some say we are in the 3rd world war, while others say we are just at the beginning. What concerns us the most is unfortunately the massacre that is happening right next to us in Gaza," Karamollaoğlu added.


Drawing attention to the massacre in Gaza, Karamollaoğlu emphasized that Israel violates human rights and law.
"Israel bombs Gaza every day. There is literally no place left to bomb. Hospitals, ambulances, schools that upset us all are being bombed. The world has never witnessed such savagery before. Even in the Second World War, the massacres that took place had a completely different state of war. I do not think they reached this level. Many claims have been made recently about the massacres in Germany, and they are also said to be untrue. But we cannot ignore the massacre that is taking place right next to us in Gaza. The United States, England, and France, in particular, are supporting Israel beyond ignoring these massacres," Karamollaoğlu said.


Drawing attention to Israel’s real goal, Karamollaoğlu emphasized that Israel continues the Greater Middle East Project.
"Israel’s real desire is to settle in the Promised Land. Its new name is the Greater Middle East Project. For this reason, I have asked our President many times, both to my friends and myself. ‘Are you still co-chairing the Greater Middle East Project?’ Because the real name of this project is the Greater Israel Project. Our Southeastern Anatolia is also in this project. The President has not yet answered this. I don’t think he has. He cannot. He continued to support Israel for a long time when these massacres started. Then he supposedly withdrew step by step. Now he has stopped supporting Israel, but we still recognize Israel. We still have an ambassador. They also have one in Turkey. The attitude that needs to be taken due to these massacres is to directly cut off all relations. We cannot and should not have any relations with a country that constantly massacres innocent people," Karamollaoğlu added.


Karamollaoğlu, stating that many massacres continue to occur in the world, stated that Turkey should determine its policies.
"This world is not just about the massacres here. I believe that it will end one day. Similar massacres are taking place not only in Gaza, but also in Ukraine and in different parts of the world. It is as if they want these wars to continue, to expand a little more, to become a little more in scope. The oppression and massacres experienced in some Muslim countries in Central Asia are the clearest evidence of this. Putin’s recent visits show that he now wants to establish contact with a wider audience. Of course, we see the massacres taking place in India within this framework, on the other hand, the problem in Kashmir has been going on for 70 years, on the other hand, there are problems in Arakan, there are problems in China. But the conflicts are expanding, and in this expansion we are right in the middle of these conflicts in the Middle East. We need to determine all our policies, our economy, our relations with other countries and our attitude towards them very clearly," Karamollaoğlu said.


Karamollaoğlu, emphasizing that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s concern is to stay in power for one more term.
"All his efforts are for one more term. Some claim that they will extend this one term to maybe 7 years. If some changes are made to the constitution, Mr. President will stay in power for 7 more years if he lives. Fear God. When you came to work, you said two terms, at most three terms. Now, twenty-one terms are not enough for you. What kind of logic, what kind of understanding makes a person blush when he goes before the people. Listen to what you said 20-21 years ago again today. What did you say, what are you saying now, what are you trying to do," Karamollaoğlu added.


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