Zeki Ceyhan: "Hello to second round"

Zeki Ceyhan: "Hello to second round"
Date: 16.5.2023 16:00

Milli Gazete columnist Zeki Ceyhan writes on Presidential Elections. Here is the full article.

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As no candidate could win in the May 14 elections, the determination of the final result was left to the second round!
So Türkiye said hello to the second round!
Now, until the second round is held, there will be days of high blood pressure in politics!
In the May 14 elections, the opposition did not achieve what they hoped for, but the government did not get the desired result either!
It can be said that the opposition gained a little more than the previous elections.
The number of deputies of the ruling wing has decreased compared to the previous election!
Yes, the presidential system, which is claimed to bring stability to the country's politics, has once again shown that it is far from meeting this expectation!
The political world, which was thought to be stabilized by the presidential system, took on a more unstable appearance!
While some parties were arm-in-arm with some parties in order to be under the roof of the parliament, albeit with a few names, parties seeking numerical superiority have now become a more complex structure.
Now, both the parties under the umbrella of the People's Alliance and the parties that are together in the Nation Alliance will roll up their sleeves for the second round.
It is obvious that both alliances will work hard to be successful in the second round! However, attention should be paid to the style to be used at this stage!
There is a need for a moderate style that will not increase the already high political tension and will not turn people against each other.
It should never be forgotten that the second round will be for election, not war!
Of course, the process entered into will not be an easy process for the power wing.
The rulers of the ruling party, who suffered serious losses compared to the previous election, should keep in mind that the style they used played an important role in these losses.
Because the obvious truth shows that while the embracing style gradually increases the number of supporters, the polarizing style has lost a significant amount of supporters.


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