It is seen that those accused have difficulty in responding to the allegations that have been put forward by Sedat Peker for a while.
However, Sedat Peker comes out with concrete claims.
Peker says, "I beat them. I suppressed them. I gave the coffees you handed out during the election campaign. It doesn't suit me to give politicians 10,000 dollars, I sent money bag by bag."
People accused of such allegations prefer to gloss over these concrete allegations rather than refute them with clear answers.
Some claim that Turkey will soon take the offensive, leap forward and grow and stuff.
In other words, instead of giving a proper answer to the allegations made against them, they prefer to take the word elsewhere.
Others talk about the importance of the natural gas deposits found.
Okay, the natural gas deposits found are of course a welcome development, but this does not constitute an answer to the "bag of money accusation" against them!
Of course, this situation does not go unnoticed.
In the face of such an accusation, one expects a bold statement, "Prove this claim." But such a challenge to Peker cannot be witnessed.
Maybe they are afraid that if they are challenged, they will face another documented video, who knows!
And those who do not take Sedat Peker's claims seriously at the beginning and find Peker's style repulsive gradually begin to believe what is being said.
The fact that those accused of very serious allegations by Sedat Peker act as if nothing has been said about them and try to portray the allegations as "unfounded words" only increase the number of those who believe in Peker.
The accused say that the allegations made by Sedat Peker are nonsense, but their answers to these allegations do not go beyond cursing.
Yes, at the beginning it was thought that Peker's claims were repulsive and after a short time it was thought that no one would believe in such nonsense, but now the situation seems to have completely reversed.
I wish the accused had spoken more coherently instead of taking things lightly and giving answers that would put them in trouble.
Their inconsistency gives more justification to Sedat Peker's statement that "we are all accomplices".
In our opinion, the accomplices will be in a lot of pain.